Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Summer with Landon!

We had a very interesting visitor at our ranch this summer. Six year olds are the most fascinating little people! They have no idea what their next adventure will be but they face it head on. They quietly listen to grown up conversations and form their own opinions, or fears... as this little boy happened to do. He came to our ranch with the opinion that we see wolves and coyotes on a regular basis. He is terrified of wolves and coyotes, but he came with his family with the healthy fear that if he saw one he could outrun it!

                                            Landon would rather lead Sugar than ride her!

He wasn't here a week when he was riding his bike up the road past our windmill, a distance of about  3 tenths of a mile from our house.  A little later he was out in the driveway with his Dad and saw a car go up the road, "Oh, No, there goes my bike!" His dad asked, "Where's your bike?" "Well, you see, I was riding my bike up the road, when I got to the windmill I thought I heard a wolf so I jumped off my bike and ran back here!" He even took the time to take off his helmet and lay it on his bike! He walked up the road to get his bike, it was still there, all in one piece!

About a month later he was talking to his cousin on the phone. Damian asked him how he liked living in the west. Landon replied, "Well, I'll tell ya', I haven't seen or heard a coyote and I haven't seen or heard a wolf so I think I'm gonna be okay!"

Our son in law Nate, told Landon if he pushed an empty water bottle against both of his bike tires, he can turn his bike into a motor bike. Nate proceeded to put water bottles against his tires. Landon would race around the house on his motor bike. It really sounded like a swarm of angry bees were after him. He wore out two water bottles and put two more in their place. Then his motor bike started throwing him. Every day he would come in with a new scratch or bump. He finally took the bottles off the tires thinking that was the problem but his bike continued to throw him off. He came in the house one day all upset. He declared that whoever made his bike, made it a jerk!!!

The young people would spend their evenings playing card games. Black Seven became a favorite. Landon was too young to play but he would walk around the table and tell everybody who had the rook or any other card that was holding up the game. He watched and listened so well that one day a bunch of us were out in the barnyard working with the horses, he came out of the house with a hand full of cards. "Anybody want to play black seven?" he asked. Somebody asked him, "What did you do, stack your hand?" "Noooo", he said slowly, "I just got the rook, all the black, and all the sevens!" He didn't know how to play but he had all the winning cards!

We started playing with him. He always wanted to sit beside Jaci, he thought she was a pretty cool girl. Sadly the feeling wasn't mutual, but she humored him. When he was dealt his hand, he would look at it and moan, "Oh No I got the worst card, the rook!" He never knew where to play it so when Jaci couldn't go and needed a card. Landon would give her the rook. Jaci would say "No Landon give me your worst card" "No Jaci, I always give you my best card" He did too, none of the rest of us got treated like Jaci did.

                                        He had no idea Karen was getting ready to wallop him
                                        on the head. He had just announced that he had the "worst card ever"!

                    Jaci and Karen were getting ready to fly back to PA, Landon was Jaci's shadow!

He heard somebody say if you set real still a hummingbird will land on your finger. He sat real still for about 30 seconds then proclaimed that it doesn't work and he's never doing it again!!

The boys found fish in a culvert under the road below our place. The water was slowly drying up so they were on a "Save the Fish" campaign. They transported them back to our stock ponds. I lost count at how many they transplanted, somewhere around 200, I think. Landon was pretty proud of the fish he caught with his net.