Wednesday, December 17, 2014

When We Are Old Ladies

I changed the words to the poem, "When I'm an Old Lady",  to fit our daughter Debbie and her fiancé Pete. Then his mother and I read this at their wedding in 2006.

When We Are Old Ladies

When we are old ladies, we'll live with Pete and Deb,
And bring so much happiness, just like they did.
We want to pay back all the joy they've provided,
Returning each deed, Oh they'll be so excited.

We'll take off our socks, lay them all over the house.
Then we'll try to tame a wee little mouse.
Oh how we'll cry when they feed it to the cat,
Then we'll play in the mud, and track it onto the mat.
When we are old ladies and live with Pete and Deb.

We'll take a nail, scratch our names on the table,
And when they get angry...we'll run...if we're able.
We'll get their little girl, cut off all her hair,
Then we'll hide out....behind the chair.
When we are old ladies and live with Pete and Deb.

We'll get in Pete's truck and never look back,
Until we backed into the green metal hay rack!
When they cook dinner and call us to eat,
We gag on the dried beef gravy, chicken and beets.
When we are old ladies and live with Pete and Deb.

We'll drink from the cartons, and then leave them out,
Then we'll stick pins in the outlets... just to hear them shout.
We'll cross both our eyes, to see if they stick,
Then we'll play in the candles and ruin the wicks.
When we are old ladies and live with Pete and Deb.

And later in bed we'll lay back with a sigh,
We'll thank God in prayer and then close our eyes.
Pete and Deb will look down with a smile slowly creeping,
And say with a groan, "They're so cute when they're sleeping!"

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