Saturday, January 24, 2015

She's Baack...but Gone a Little Wild!

After whining about winter a few posts ago, I am going to have to back down a little...but only a little. I do find pleasure in watching someone else enjoy the fluffy, cold, white stuff that God has blessed our farm with. When Amanda asked me if I was going to need the picnic table for anything, I was a little concerned. It's winter! It snowed! Who would have a picnic now! A little later I looked out the window and saw her hard at work   ...a new guard dog?

A tiger!! Even the dog was a little skeptical of the big beast lying on the picnic table.
Over the years we have had a menagerie of animals grace our yard.  She has wanted a horse ever since she was small, but her dad was adamant that there was no room for a horse on a dairy farm.
So she showed him!!

Sadly the horse only lasted several hours. One of the nieces tried to ride him and knocked his head off. She tried to put it back on before Amanda saw it but the horse was greatly deformed after that!
Amanda then decided to make some creatures in the woods away from the hands of little people but the woodland creatures found them fascinating too.

Pooh Bear took up residence in the flower garden the longest. He was at the corner of the house that nobody notices. One day he disappeared, I guess he went back to the Hundred Acre Wood.
When there is no snow to sculpt, she is in my kitchen wrecking havoc with a sharpie.
It is pretty uncanny to be making breakfast at 5am and open the egg carton to find a dozen screaming eggs!...
Or looking at oranges that are half scared to death....
  So I will endure the snow, as long as she takes her artistic talent out of my kitchen and keeps it in the yard!!


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