I enjoy watching our grandchildren grow, I like to see how their characteristics are the same, and how they are different, some even take me back to my own childhood with my siblings; and that makes it all the more fun to watch.
Several weeks ago we had our Lancaster grandchildren for the weekend. They come here mixing Spanish and English...and then throw in a little Dutch to thoroughly confuse me, and I wonder if I will ever understand them! Then I see them in action and know they are right where they belong!
They might have some Spanish blood in them and eat the cultural foods from their fathers country but when they come to Grandma's house they ask for roast beef and mashed potatoes, they want French Fries, and Oreos. Now that is a language I understand!!
It was at Grandma's house that they first got introduced to Lucky Charms, better known as "grandpa's cereal"!! Now this is the correct way to eat Lucky Charms!! There is no other way. Grandma is the only one who lets anyone get away with this, and she even understands that everything else in the bowl is "yuk"!! Sure, you can buy the little marshmallows in bulk, and eat them by the hand full, not only do they taste disgusting but that takes all the fun out of fishing for charms!! (The lighting is very poor on this clip but you can still see what he is doing)
Sunday morning I was getting this same little boy ready for church. He had told me when I gave him his bath the night before that I was not supposed to get his hair wet! So here I am on Sunday morning , we have five minutes till we are supposed to be in the car, and I am frantically trying to comb out his mess of curls! I got it all combed out beautifully but he looked like this...
Which immediately took me back through the years to this....
I sent a quick frantic picture to his mother, who immediately sent back a frantic reply, "You're not taking him to church like that, are you?" , she then walked me through the whole "mousse" process, turning a head of wild curls into a lovely batch of tight ringlets!!! If we only knew in 1980, what we know now, my own brother might have had a lovely crop of tight ringlets! :)
One hot summer day I was taking a lunch out to Rob in the field and two of our grandsons wanted to come along with me. Since I hadn't planned on taking the boys along I only had enough lunch for Rob. It made a very interesting half hour. As one little boy was sitting on the back seat, the other was hanging over the front seat, keeping tabs on what "gampap" was eating and how he was eating it. "He's eatin' his sammich now, Wancie" , "Wait! whats he pokin' wif a fowk?" "Why you eating cheese culls with a fowk gampap?" "Gampap" has always eaten cheese curls with a fork!! What is really fun is when they notice this at the table and then everybody needs a fork to eat their cheese curls.
This clip was about 8 years ago but it could have been about 40! I have a little sister that would boss her nieces and nephews around just like this. If you would ask them now...she still tries!!
This little girl has grown up a lot but she still knows where everybody belongs!
Life isn't complete without broken oreos in a cup of milk!! This is one tradition that started with these little girls' father, and has spread through the whole tribe!! They tell me it is the only way to eat oreos! I think it is purely disgusting. It just reminds me of mud!
When they finally scoop out all the soggy cookies, they actually drink the... milk??
Good to the last drop!!
When I look over these pictures and clips I see a little bit of Rob and I in their faces and in their actions and that is what makes us family!