Thursday, September 10, 2015

Memories....the old and the new (Part 2)

As we continued on our way, we eventually came to the stop sign in Springfield. There was the country store. Still a store but not as I remembered. It was at this corner the school bus would drop off my older siblings so they could catch the high school bus that took them into Romney. Springfield Greenspring Elementary was where I started first grade and hated every minute of it. It still looks the same as I remembered. I could just visualize my second grade teacher rapping on the window, motioning us to hurry up and get to the classroom. She was the grumpiest teacher I ever had, and I was scared to death of her.

We drove through the little blink and you're through it town, out to where the road followed the Potomac River. Looking across the river we saw the farm where our family lived for two and a half years. I have accumulated a store house of memories in those few years. (This picture was taken a few years ago, in the fall. We couldn't drive back to the farm so we stopped at the road and looked across the river.) To catch the school bus we would either have to walk out a three mile lane, or row the boat across the river to the road. Rowing across the river was more fun and a whole lot faster.
It is amazing that the house has not changed at all since the time we lived there. The barn has not been so fortunate, it is starting to lose its boards and looks ready to fall down.
 Behind the barn was the big hill where we would go sledding. We used those old round metal Coco-Cola signs for sleds. It was an exhilarating ride!
We didn't spend much time here, it was getting late in the afternoon, and we still had two hours to our hotel. As we continued south we came to Seneca Rocks, W VA. I was having a terrible time staying awake until Rob said, "Hey I was here before."

     Thirty one years ago Rob had went hunting with a buddy of his to this area. We started passing landmarks he recognized and he kept me entertained with the stories of his hunting trip.  We even passed the road where they drove up into the mountains to hunt.
We finally reached our hotel, high on the hill in Elkins W VA! What a welcome sight!

We didn't get a room with a view so I didn't get a picture of the town.
                                                             ~ to be continued

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