Thursday, November 5, 2015

Idaho...a new venture, Part 2

Since Rob got his deer the second day he was out, the rest of the week was spent in sight seeing. Monday it rained most of the day so Rob took Cody and I, to the Oregon Trail museum in Oregon. It was about a 2 1/2 hour drive but so worth it.



Cody and I would zip ahead and watch all the video clips while Rob took his good old time reading every journal entry. We didn't get bored and Rob didn't feel rushed! 
As we were on our way home from the museum we saw some of the devastation left from the wildfires earlier this year.
Tuesday and Wednesday the sun came out and the adults spent several hours roaming the countryside. One morning the fog settled over the valley, it looked like a big lake had appeared during the night.

                                            Several hours later the fog was gone!

The most fascinating thing about that country was how the sun reflecting on the hills and mountains would cause such vibrant colors to appear.

                                            We were even blessed with a rainbow!


      Our meals were prepared by different chefs. This picture is very misleading. Bobby is the only cook I would recommend here. He even said, "you should never trust a skinny cook", so definitely those other three guys are out!!

Lisa and the girls kept it from turning into a hunting camp!
We were served some pretty delectable dishes.

 The guys spent a day quail hunting, then Bobby grilled them that evening for their supper.
Rob & I, and Myron & Lisa were out roaming the hills and missed it.
*whispering* Thankfully!!
The guys got a fishing pass so they took Cody fishing.
Oops, this is what happens when the rod is bigger than the boy!
It just pulled him right in!! It became a little difficult to hold onto a towel and
try to fish at the same time.

Somehow a game of Four Hand Texas appeared while
the fishermen were fishing.

    Our last evening was spent with a lot of laughter, reminiscing's, and a few tears. None of us wanted to come home!  As we flew into Oakland CA for the last plane ride home,
I looked out the plane window and realized what was so unique about Idaho. There was no traffic congestion, even in the Boise airport, there were no lines to contend with.

Everyone knows that airports are the best place to people watch...
or play on Grandma's kindle!!

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