Saturday, January 30, 2016

Bridal Shower Memories

The day of our youngest daughter's bridal shower dawned. I had asked her repeatedly throughout the week what her plans were for each day because I honestly could not keep up with all her activities. As Friday unfolded, I knew she was extra tired, I didn't want to weary her further with my continual nagging so I figured I would let the events of the day go as they will. I figured she would be out of the house early enough that I could get ready and leave without her knowing I was going anywhere.   I never asked her when she was leaving for the day.

As 4pm came and went, she was still not preparing to go anywhere. I was getting antsy to get myself ready. I finally broke down and called her fiancĂ©, he said he was planning to pick her up at 6pm. Well, that was when I was supposed to be at the shower,  she was to arrive at 6:30. I had a twenty minute drive and I couldn't even get ready till she left.

Suddenly I had a 36 yrs ago.

I think it was actually in August. I had made plans to go visit a friend for the evening. I came home from work exhausted and decided I wasn't going! My mother heard me telling my friend I wasn't coming and went outside and told my dad. Who immediately went out to the garden and pulled several dozen ears of corn. He then put the corn in the front seat of my VW bug, came into the house and told me there was corn in my bug for Barb, "don't forget to get it out when you get there." I told him I wasn't going! He said you have to, the corn won't be good tomorrow. Ironically, I worked at the same place my friend lived!

"Ok but I'm leaving right now" I left!  As I drove out to the end of our road, our neighbor lady was waiting in her car, I waved at her and she pretended she didn't see me, how odd!! I continued on my merry way completely unaware of the chaos I had caused at home. I got to the last traffic light in the town my friend lived, I was sitting there minding my own business, when out of the side street shot this VW bus! As it careened around the corner on two wheels, I recognized the driver! It was my mother!! With my sister and the neighbor lady. What in the world is she doing here, she was supposed to be going to the thrift shop in our own town!! Oh well whatever! She must have changed her mind.

The light changed and I continued on to my friends house. My friend came out of the house and we were talking at my car. All of a sudden my mother came running around the house dragging an oversized waste can with a pillow sticking out. She was laughing and talking at the same time. I looked at my friend and said, "What's the matter with her?" She said, "I don't know, she came to see Grammy about something!" We walked into the house. As I walked around the corner into the room, the first person I saw was my future mother-in-law and my legs went completely to jelly.
The rest is history!!

As this whole scene flashed through my head, I told my future son in law. "You better give me time to get there before you show up or there could be a rerun of my mother at my bridal shower."
He decided to pick her up at 5:45.

I made it to her shower without causing a scene and she was just as surprised as I was, without all the extra drama!

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