Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Sun will Shine Again

The weatherman and a host of other folks that think they know what the weather will do, have been predicting all summer that we are headed for a worse winter than 2016. What could be worse than almost 80 inches of snow?

Well, I will tell you!!

For the past week the temperatures have plummeted to the mid teens at night and haven't even reached 32 during the day. The sun?? I don't remember when we saw the sun last.  Fog has also blanketed the valley, it is quite dismal to say the least. Day after day of fog is not a cheery sight.

We still have cows out on pastureland. We had planned to vaccinate the cows we have here at home, that haven't been worked yet, then bring another batch home tomorrow. Our final group of cows will have to wait till next week to be brought home. The weatherman said today was supposed to be very sunny. By 9:30 we knew we weren't going to see any sun, so we bundled up and went out to face the elements. The cows behaved surprisingly well. We only had two that thought they needed to jump over the moon, they only made it over the pasture fence. They will have to wait out there till tomorrow and hopefully we can get them in with the next batch of cows. 

We took the vaccines out in a cooler to stay cool, then had to put them in the pickup to keep them from freezing. Rob had to get the digging iron to chip the frozen ground away from the chute so we could get the headlock open. There were a few other inconveniences that were caused by the frigid temps. It was starting to look like a day full of irritations. My toes were starting to feel like they would break if I bent them. We still had to break ice on water troughs and feed some hay to the cows we had just vaccinated. 

Cold and crabby I headed for the house. I find it hard to be thankful for cold weather, especially when I saw the temperature was 24 degrees at 2:30 in the afternoon. We weren't even close to the first day of winter yet. 

When Rob came in sometime later we were discussing the day. He said, "Do you realize we didn't have any wind today?" The wind!! I had completely forgotten what the wind can do in conditions like this. Wind would have escalated our problems. Since he reminded me that our day could have been a lot worse, I am grateful we made it through as easy as we did.  Nobody knows exactly how our winter will unfold but I hope the sun shines again...soon!!

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