Monday, January 22, 2018

It's Snowing and there's Cows to Feed!!

We woke up to our second significant snowfall. The cows are patiently waiting for their hay,  while the farmer is in the house waiting for the snow to stop!

It doesn't look like its going to stop any time soon so we head out to see if we can reach the top of the butte without getting stuck. The ground isn't frozen under the snow so we won't be able to see where the wet spots are. Hopefully we can avoid them.

I am taking pictures out a dirty tractor window. We head out the lane and up the road.

           We make it to the gate, but we still have a hill to climb. I don't drive to the
        feeding area unless every splotch of mud is dried up!  There are two gates to open here.               
We have a cow that climbs over the barbed wire gates so Rob put up an electric fence for good measure!
                          We made it up the hill and the cows come to meet us. I hop in the drivers seat while Rob cuts the strings off the bales and climbs on the wagon.
                          As I drive slowly out through the field he throws off the hay several slabs at a time.
                     I'm actually getting pretty good, I only knocked him off the wagon one time this         winter. He was getting down anyway but I kind of hurried him a little.

                        There are several cows that follow the wagon till we are done,  knowing the
 last slab of hay is always the best!  :)

                                     That's all we put out here, we head for the next group of cows.

We make it back down off the butte with out cutting up too much pasture.
Rob fights with the gates to get them closed.
We head out the field lane to feed the cows that calved in the fall.

The mommas and babies run to meet us.
Rob throws the rest of the hay off here as I drive out through the field.
I got to close to the edge of the hill and cut big ruts in the field. That may cause some problems during hay season!

We left behind some happy cows and calves. we will wean these calves in a few weeks then put the cows up on the butte with the rest of the herd. I drive out of the pasture while Rob struggles with  another gate.

Rob puts the tractor away for another day and I...

...head for the house, and a hot cup of coffee!!


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