Thursday, March 29, 2018

Love is...

Love is...

...waiting in the aisle at the hardware store while he goes through the many bins of nuts and bolts looking for the one that compares in size to the one he left in the truck and doesn't want to go back out for it!!

...pushing the cart at the grocery store, following her up one aisle and down another till they finally reach the last aisle and she realizes that the last item on her list in back in aisle one!!

...buying her a valentine card, knowing he won't get one in return!

...making him cream filled donuts for Valentines day cause it was easier than making a card!!

...going out in the blinding snow with him to check for new calves knowing he could have went himself but she didn't want to send him out alone.

...running the vacuum cleaner for her cause you are bored to death of sitting in the house after another day of rain and she is cooking for company!

..going for a clean pair of jeans and the shelf is empty...

..riding 4 wheeler all day, helping him round up cows to move to another pasture, completely forgetting there is laundry to do.

..resisting the urge to run the paint splattered roller down his arm when he exclaims that he got a drop of paint on his jeans, the first in three days of painting the basement, while she looks like she fell in the paint bucket... multiple times!!

...sharing a Dairy Queen Blizzard in the parking lot at Home Depot!

...riding around the block on the UTV watching for deer or antelope as the sun goes down.

..laying in bed patiently waiting for her to finish that "one last thing" that should have been done before he asked, "Ready to call it a day?"

Love inspires and comforts.
Love holds no boundaries.
Love gives hope and joy.
Love holds fast through hard times.
Love rejoices through generous times.
Love grows, forevermore.

And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three, but the greatest of these is charity. 1 Cor. 13:13

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