Thursday, October 2, 2014

  There is a saying that goes something like this, "If I had known that grandchildren would be this much fun, I would have had them first." I found out today why God's plan for grandchildren is perfect.

  I was babysitting my 4 year old and 2 year old grandsons and their 3 mo. old sister. The 3 mo old slept the whole time she was here. I can deal with that!  Her 2 year old brother on the other hand went from one thing to another. As I was cleaning up one mess, he had his hand in something else.
He has learned that blood pressure medication is "yuck."
There is a button on the main phone base that pages the rest of the phones in the house and it took forever for Grandma to figure out what the noise was and how to shut it off.
Dishwasher detergent cubes burn his mouth like fire.
The dog dish has some pretty good stuff in it sometimes.
Dish soap can be hazardous if you try to walk through it, and
Toilets hold a storehouse of entertainment, too many to actually list here.
Even though he has learned all these things have consequences, he still hasn't learned to leave them alone!!

What I have learned?
There is no place high enough to put prescription medication!
From the time you see him with your cell phone and move in his direction, he already has the text sent, so don't even try to get there fast, its just too painful!!
 2am is not a good time to wonder how long he had been upstairs unattended today, or how many other alarm clocks he has turned on!!
The timeout chair also needs to be equipped with a straight jacket.
His mother has my sympathies and
I'm praying for his future wife.
Children's children are the crown of old men...Proverbs 17:6
Someday I am going to read this to him, when he is a calm, quiet 16 year old!!


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