Friday, July 10, 2015

Old Age...not what its cracked up to be!

 I often wondered how I would know when I had reached old age. They say it creeps on you, you feel it coming little by little. I did see some signs of it over the last several years but it wasn't anything that I thought I needed to worry about. Well let me tell you, one morning it took one running leap, and jumped on me with all four feet and has been hanging on ever since!

It all started on a Sunday morning after church. One of our ministers came up to me with a wide grin and said, "Becky, I have had the same last name for the past 40 or so years, and I'm not about to change it now."  Oh dear, what have I done? I grabbed the bulletin and sure enough, when I wrote he and his wife's' name for hospitality, I used her maiden name! I tried to use the excuse that I wanted to see how many people actually read the bulletin, but that just didn't cut it. I have made quite a few mistakes on the bulletin before but that's the first time I changed somebody's name.

Two days later I received an email from a business that I had recently sent a check to. The statement said I owed them 30.00. We never owe them 30.00. The trip out here costs us more than that. Looking at the statement closer, I saw that I had changed the numbers around. Instead of paying them 496.00,  I had written the check out for 469.00. I often wondered if I had dyslexic tendencies.

To top it off twice that same week somebody asked me a question and I answered them with what I thought they said. It was definitely the wrong answer but I didn't think they had to laugh so long! I was quite offended when, talking to my daughter on the phone, she asked me if I was dressed... at 2 in the afternoon!!...only to find out she asked me if I was resting!

There are times when I wonder if my Grandmother in exasperation might have said to my mother, "I hope you have a daughter that is just like you!" Well I haven't lost my teeth, but I did lose the milk check!  That was the scariest three days of my life. After much intercessory prayer, I found the phone book! Don't even ask...

I remember back when Mom would lose something she would say, "Don't tell Daddy, I'll find it!"
I have now attained that spot in life. I think I have figured out why its called the "Golden Years."
By the time you find what you have lost, it has turned to gold.

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