Thursday, July 23, 2015

Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?

I love to write about my grandchildren. I try not to put their names in my blogs. As they grow and learn to read, I like to see if they see themselves in the stories. This little girl will definitely recognize herself, so will all her siblings!!  I tried not to make this too gory. I had to write it down so I would remember exactly how it was told to me. I have a blond haired granddaughter, I don't know how the blond jokes started but I am pretty sure they originated from a story similar to this one.

This little blond haired girl was mowing her family's yard with a riding mower. They have chickens of several different sizes that are supposed to be in the pasture. As she was mowing along the pasture fence which is woven wire, she came upon a half grown chicken that was standing outside the fence. As she got closer to the chicken, it tried to fit through the fence but then it became bewildered and crouched down in the grass, and "I just had to run over it!" she told me later.  When she realized what she had done, she yelled "Get Mom!!". We asked her if she knew what the brake pedal was for. She asked. "What brake pedal?"
 As she was telling me the whole sad story, she said, "Grandma, It was sooo Gross!, Its eyes looked like this.." and she gave me a half hooded look. I asked her if that was before she ran over it or afterward. She gave me another half hooded look.

Now we know why her chickens cross the road. They see a certain little blonde haired girl mowing the lawn!!

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