Sunday, July 22, 2018

Jude's Tall Tales

Jude is a six year old with a big imagination and a love for all things wild. We have big jackrabbits that come into the yard. They allow you to get pretty close before they hop several feet away and wait till you get too close again.

We found an old lasso that has seen its better days,  so one day when Jude was too rambunctious in the house, I got the lasso and told him to go catch a rabbit! Seeing Jude carrying a lasso trying to sneak up on a jackrabbit is about as cute as the story he told me later.

  He had a little hoppy toad in his hands and wanted to keep it in the house for a pet.  "No you can't take it in the house, Did you lasso the rabbit?" "No he said, "but I did put this little toad on his back." I said, "You did" "Yeah," he said, "then I pulled some grass and the rabbit ate it out of my hand...but I didn't want to tell you cause I was afraid you would freak out." "Jude, is that the truth?" "Nooo," but I did catch a toad"

Sometime later I was grilling burgers and I heard him coming. It was quite a while till he walked up on the deck out of breath. " Grandma I heard a rattlesnake, I know it was a rattlesnake. I looked for it and found it. Then I petted it, then I grabbed hold of the rattles and they came off in my hand, then I fainted!!" I am looking at him with skepticism. He said "Whaaat?" "Ok," I said, "where are the rattles?" "Oh I frowed them in the bushes cause I was afraid you would faint too." ...Smart boy!!

Sometime later I overheard a conversation that he had with his grandpa.
Somebody had locked the keys in Debbie's van while it was in our driveway. We had to call AAA, after several phone calls, and reminding them that they were out here before, they showed up. Debbie had taken all the children swimming so Jude missed the whole process. When he returned his first question was, "How did they get the keys out." Rob said, "Oh they broke the window, and then reached in and got the keys!" With eyes as big as saucers Jude headed for the door. Rob saw where he was headed and said, "Oh, they put in a new window!!" Jude turned around and looked at me, "Grandma, is he telling the true fing??"

Now I know they are two of a kind!!

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