Friday, July 20, 2018

The Ten Commandments for Ranch Wives

1. Always take food and water every time you leave the house, whether you are "just going" to the landfill or out on the range to check cattle, take it!!. refer to commandment #2.

2. Never believe the phrase, "We'll be right back!" A good ranch husband doesn't lie, but those 4 words, "this won't take long" have been known to strike fear into the hearts of generations of ranch wives. You will need that food and water!!!

3. Always put your head on swivel mode when the rancher is riding on any implement you are pulling. The excuse of looking back at him, when you run over the square bale does not hold any more water than watching the calves so you don't run over them and miss that he fell off the wagon and is running to catch up!

4. Always carry baler twine with you. It should be part of every ranch wife's survival kit. You never know when you will run the 4 wheeler out of gas and he will need to tow you home with his.

5. When going to town for groceries. If your travels takes you close to the farm supply store make sure he is aware of that. There is always something he needs that he doesn't want to make the hour long trip for.

6. Keep miracle whip and ketchup in the front of the refrigerator. He can find a newborn calf in a 60 acre field full of sagebrush but most condiments are invisible in the refrigerator.

7. A trip up the mountain might sound like a date, but you are still expected to search your side of the mountain for any signs of elk and/or dead trees for next winters wood supply, AND remember where you saw them AND how many!!

8. Beware when he says, "Lets go out and get that cow in the chute, all you have to do is put the pipes in behind her so she doesn't back over me" On second thought, make that chiropractor appointment for yourself before you even go out, you are definitely going to need it!!

9. Always get clear directions on where he is going and which gate he is bringing strays back through. That way when he takes off like the wind on a nasty day, and your 4 wheeler just can't keep up, you can wait at the gate instead of searching for him and the strays. If per chance he changes direction and brings them in through a different are suppose to know that and be there waiting!

10. Above all have fun and enjoy life. When the waterholes dry up and there is no place to take 80 animals, you are out riding the range and find dead calves, the yearly rainfall was less than expected and the hay crop won't carry you through the winter, these types of setbacks can rob you of your joy pretty fast. "God hath not promised skies always blue...sun without rain, joy without sorrow, peace without pain, but we are promised strength for the day, rest for the labor, light for the way." So have fun together wherever life takes you.

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