Thursday, April 2, 2020

In Times Like These...

                                               In times like these, you need a Savior,
                                               In times like these you need an anchor...

                        In times like these, with the world practicing social distancing and
                          many quarantined,  I need a distraction. I like to look back on
                                        pictures from the past. sometimes a song
                                pops into my head. It just felt like a good blog post!!

                                                           This Changing World,
                                                makes the burdens even harder to bear,

                                 in times like these when we're laden with disheartening dispair.
                                            (I took this picture less than an hour before the
                                                 Challis earthquake rattled our windows.)

                                                 On the Wings of a Snow White Dove

                                                          God sends his pure sweet love...

                                                       God Put a Rainbow in the Cloud

                                       When it looked like the sun wouldn't shine anymore...

                                                 I Will Sing of The Mercies of the Lord

                                                        Forever, I will sing, I will sing..

                                                    The Holy Hills of Heaven Call Me

                                                   To mansions bright across the sea..

                                                           The Lord My Shepherd is,

                                          I shall be well supplied....What can I want beside?

                                                      I Love to Steal Awhile Away...

                                                      ... Where none but God can hear....

                                                         Tell Me the Stories of Jesus,
                                                                    I love to hear

                                        Things I would ask Him to tell me, if He were here..

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